6 lessons for young social entrepreneurs from Muhammad Yunus

Muhammad Yunus needs no introduction. He’s a pioneer in the world of social entrepreneurship, and is perhaps its most famous and widely recognized face. Yunus is most famous for being founder of Grameen Bank, a microfinance institution that lifted millions of Bangladeshis out of poverty by giving them access to small loans with no collateral. For all his efforts he was awarded with the Nobel Prize for peace in 2006. Since then he has shown no signs of stopping: he’s involved with Grameen Foundation, Grameen Phone, Grameen Danone and many other institutions of repute.

Image courtesy: bteam.org

Image courtesy: bteam.org

Examining his life and his work, there are many lessons to be learned for young social entrepreneurs. Here are six lessons that are absolutely invaluable.

1) Focus on an unserved or under-served market:

Yunus started his journey by lending $27 to 42 women in rural Bangladesh. This was a market that no bank addressed. He created a new market, by lending to impoverished women, with no collateral. In a TED talk he explained how he went against the grain and did not follow traditional rules of banks of having rich males own the bank and loaning money but instead, he made poor women the owners of the bank. In doing so, he demonstrated that women, and the poor can be trusted to take care of their own destinies, all they need is a little capital. And that, has made all the difference.

2) Dream big:

Yunus may have started small, but he kept going from strength to strength and continued to grow big. His vision for Grameen Bank never wavered.

Back in 1983, when the Grameen Bank became an independent entity, it had 86 branches and 58,000 borrowers. Amazingly, there were 2,800 branches and more than seven million borrowers, by 2010. He wasn’t just happy with removing a few thousands out of poverty, he was obsessed with helping millions, and not just in his native Bangladesh but all over the world.

3) Collaboration is the key to growth:

Grameen Bank relied on foreign aid and grants to grow the business and prove the model. This would not have been possible if Yunus had not agreed to partner and collaborate with multiple partners.

After Grameen Bank, Yunus started many other initiatives, but among the most important and impressive is the one with French MNC Danone. Dubbed Grameen Danone, it sought to fulfill one of Yunus’ other big dreams: to change the face of capitalism forever, by introducing the concept of social business. Yunus worked with Iqbal Z. Quadir to launch Grameen Phone, the telecom provider went on to become the country’s largest mobile services provider.

4) Diversify when required:

Yunus did not just sit tight after the success with Grameen Bank, he instead sought to diversify, By late 1980s, Grameen started to diversify other projects, which sometimes grew into separate organizations like Grameen Motsho, Grameen Krishi, Grameen Trust, Grameen Fund, Grameen Software Limited, Grameen CyberNet Limited, and Grameen Knitwear Limited. One of the entities, Grameen Telecom, has a stake in Bangladesh’s biggest private phone company, Grameenphone.

5) Nurture, incubate and help others:

Yunus Social Business (YSB), a spinoff of The Grameen Creative Lab, helps create social businesses around the world. Co-founded by Yunus, Saskia Bruysten, Sophie Eisenmann and Hans Reitz, YSB provides advisory services to companies, governments, foundations and NGOs. Other than YSB, Yunus helped create the YY (Yunus + You) Foundation, to help young social entrepreneurs under the age of 25 to network and develop their social business ideas.

6) Be ready for detractors:

For all his good work, Yunus has been criticized on multiple fronts. Researchers from the MIT’s Poverty Action Lab questioned whether micro-finance actually worked, especially in countries like India. In Bangladesh’s the ruling party chief attacked Yunus saying that he profited from “sucking the blood’ from the poor. Plenty of journalists have also questioned the efficacy of micro-credit. Spectacularly, he was asked to step down as managing director of Grameen Bank, the very institution, he helped create.

Yunus’ reaction to this has been to has roll with the punches and let his work do the talking.

Via Social Story India

Simplicidade é a chave para uma vida bem sucedida- Centre for Alternative Technology


“Simplicidade é a chave para uma vida bem sucedida”.

Durante os dias que estávamos trabalhando como Wwoofers na Lanlas Farm a Louis (uma das donas do hotel fazenda) nos contou sobre o CAT (Centre for Alternative Technology). Engraçado é que alguns meses antes, durante o Roadtrip nos EUA, eu havia pensando no CAT sem mesmo saber que ele já existia em algum lugar desse Mundo. A ideia de construir um lugar no Brasil no qual crianças e adolescentes pudessem assistir de forma prática algumas tecnologias verdes funcionando e aprender sobre elas, e seus impactos positivos sobre a Terra, rendeu bastante papo e não saiu da minha cabeça.

Chegamos ao CAT que fica próximo a cidade de Machynlleth em Wales. De cara já se nota a harmonia entre o centro e a mata preservada. A recepção é uma casa de madeira simples no meio da mata, rio e encosta de um cliff. Logo ao lado da recepção nota-se um bonde antigo movido pelo equilíbrio entre o peso da água, passageiros e o cliff. Incrível a experiência de ser transportado para cima de um cliff em uma engenhoca tecnologicamente simples, antiga e ecologicamente correta (soa um pouco contraditório não?).

As atrações estão expostas em nove diferentes classes de tecnologias: energia eólica, habitações ecolólogicas, hortas orgânicas, energia solar, compostagem, construções verdes, água, pontos de recarga de veículos elétricos e o bonde hidráulico. Sem dúvida a experiência de conhecer esse lugar me inspirou, assim como o faz com as milhares de pessoas que passam por lá todo ano. O importante é entender que existem opções tecnológicas simples, ecologicamente corretas e que podem diminuir muito desperdícios de recursos e gastos financeiros.


Cozinha da casa ecológica. A casa ecológica do CAT foi construída abrangendo diversas tecnologias verdes e está repleta de informações sobre energia, recursos e bem-estar.


Há um equipamento transformador de energia eólica em energia elétrica real no CAT aberto a visitação. É possível ver o seu interior (com todas as peças) e entender como este equipamento funciona.

O CAT começou da atitude de um grupo de jovens, na década de 70, que acreditavam que é possível sim viver bem, de forma simples, respeitando o equilíbrio natural do local onde se vive. Eles construíram o CAT (grande parte dele) com suas próprias mãos, recursos locais, inteligência, ideais e fé. Hoje o centro não é apenas um centro de visitação, é também uma Universidade e um centro de pesquisas avançadas em tecnologias alternativas.

Acesse mais informações sobre o CAT.

Makers – Estórias de Mulheres Transformadoras

MAKERS-logo_lg_870x400A internet surpreende semanalmente com ideias incríveis e iniciativas que fazem uso do melhor que a rede tem a oferecer: o compartilhamento de estórias, conhecimento e bens.

Recentemente descobri o Makers (lançado em fevereiro de 2012), uma série de entrevistas realizadas com mulheres, conhecidas e desconhecidas, que de alguma forma foram/são pioneiras e protagonistas na história local ou nacional dos Estados Unidos da América.
Segundo Paula Kerger, presidente da PBS, o objetivo é levantar o debate sobre o papel da mulher na sociedade, valorizar mulheres que foram importantes para as conquistas atuais e inspirar uma nova geração.maxresdefault

A produção, feita em parceria pela AOL e PBS, é simples e nos presenteia com bate-papos inspiradores e mês-a-mês incluí novas mulheres.
É possível assistir por exemplo Erin Brockovich falar sobre a maneira que enxerga hoje a necessidade de mobilização ambiental; Ruth Ginsburg, uma das primeiras juízas americanas e que em 1973 transformou os direitos da mulheres em seu país com o veredicto dado a um controverso caso.
São tantas estórias que nos recordam como as mulheres conquistaram e ainda conquistam um espaço antes ocupado pelo machismo e pela ignorância que não existem recomendações de figuras, todas são únicas e incríveis de assistir.

Clicando Aqui você acessa todo o acervo de vídeos e navega facilmente, podendo selecionar entrevistas baseadas em temas.
Infelizmente os vídeos são em inglês e não possuem legendas.

Screen Shot 2013-10-28 at 9.09.12 AMA PBS também aproveitou as entrevistas para preparar uma bela mini-série de 3 episódios na qual conta como as mulheres conquistaram seus direitos nos EUA e todo o movimento por trás deste tema. Estes também em inglês (porém com legendas em inglês para facilitar o entendimento) estão disponíveis para asssistir online no site da PBS:

1o Episódio AWAKENING: http://video.pbs.org/video/2336932877/
2o Episódio CHANGING THE WORLD: http://video.pbs.org/video/2336940209/
3o Episódio CHARTING A NEW COURSE: http://video.pbs.org/video/2336944500/
Também há uma série de clipes curtos. O meu favorito: “African American women were not sure if the women’s movement included them”.

Vídeo de apresentação da série:

Artigos sobre:
Business Wire: http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20120228006498/en/AOL-PBS-Announce-%E2%80%9CMAKERS-Women-America%E2%80%9D
DMX: http://www.dmwmedia.com/news/2012/02/28/aol-and-pbs-unveil-cross-platform-makers-with-video

Why someone decides to work for free?

This is my first post in English so i’m sorry about any mistakes.

Do you know what WWOOF is? World wide Opportunities on Organic farms.

Once i heard about it i didn’t forget nevermore. Working on land with organics farming (something that in particulary i belive) somewhere in the World just for learning, eating and staying doesn’t seems too bad. Actually it really is not!

I’m here in Lanlas Farm in Wales for some days and i have been working through a self development and a hard physical challenge. Unfortunately on September’s end the vegetables and plants are already not growing well (what i expected be doing) so i had to do a lot of physical works like weeding plants even stones for gardening, painting, cleaning and building.

Well, what all this “bad” situation would bring to anyone? Self watching is the answer. Yes, when i arrived here rather then to come back i decided to get out of my zone confort. Certainly was a important decision. While working i paid attention in my body and my mind. Do you watch your body carefully? It’s not about its shape it’s just about its needs, signals, it includes wake up early make some exercises, eat health organic food, rest and sleep well. So far, i’m listening to mine and belive me the self changes can be wonderful.

In the same way now i pay attention on my mind then i try to watch all kinds of negative thoughts challenging myself to stop them. Practicing conversation in english is helping me a lot too. I can’t yet understand their English perfectly, but is getting better and better with days passing by. In addition i’m living and meeting another culture which is important to be kind and open to different people.

Anyway if you’re thinking about have some experiences like these i would like give you this tip: WWOOF. Choose the country and search more details on website http://www.wwoof.net/

O circo/cerco da informação (vídeo)

A dificuldade de filtrar conteúdo.

A dificuldade de filtrar conteúdo.

Durante alguns anos trabalhei na área de marketing digital. Um campo de conhecimento ainda novo, porém carregado de crenças e modelos mentais importados do marketing tradicional.
Talvez o dilema para produzir excelentes experiências de uso na web seja a crença de que o usuário não está disposto a pagar por isto. Desta forma, abarrotamos os espaços com propagandas que paguem a conta (claro, ainda é melhor do que revistas e jornais, que pagamos pelo conteúdo e continuamos abarrotados de mensagens publicitárias).

A internet mudou e ainda transforma como cada indivíduo lida com informações e conhecimento.
Não é surpresa a ninguém o fato de que lidamos com um volume cade vez maior de conteúdo e boa parte por opção própria, abarrotando as ‘timelines’, RSS feeds e aplicativos. Mas talvez, pelo fato de que a maioria deste conteúdo nos seja servido fatiado, em poucas linhas, e rapidamente eliminado da tela, dificulte a nossa real percepção do volume com o qual manejamos diariamente.

Ainda estamos aprendendo a utilizar estas ferramentas que nos deixam completamente conectados, portanto não é incomum toparmos no WhatsApp (aplicativo para smartphone), facebook, sites de internet, com conteúdos e publicidades que logo ignoramos e na maioria das vezes nos desviam do propósito do uso pelo qual chegamos até lá.
Quem nunca entrou para ler um artigo em um site especializado e teve que se livrar das janelas que brotam antes com mensagens variadas, e na leitura do texto (espremido entre tanta publicidade) ainda precisou se esquivar de banners que expandem quando seu mouse os cruza? No fundo, só lemos até o fim se realmente desejamos aquele conteúdo, pois a experiência de uso do provedor fez de tudo para desistíssemos e logo clicarmos em uma propaganda que esteja dançando ao lado. Qual é o papel deste conteúdo?

Nesta apresentação feita pelo entusiasmado Brad Frost,  de forma irônica e envolvente, ele carrega uma reflexão sobre a presença e espaço tomado pelo bullshit (papo furado, conversa mole, besteira).
Infelizmente ainda não há legendas. Solicitei o video ao mesmo.  Caso consiga legendarei e substituo por este aqui.

Alguns dos grandes números que ele apresenta são impressionantes:
– 10% de todos os livros escritos até hoje foram publicados em 2012
– 10% de todas as fotos feitas até hoje foram clicadas em 2012

Nunca fomos tão livres para nos expressar, para encontrar a nossa voz.
Mas não nos enganemos, a maioria do conteúdo que toma conta do cotidiano digital da maioria ainda é aquele produzido e compartilhado pelos grande canais de mídia movidos por diferentes grupos de interesses.

Mas tem muita gente querendo mudar isto. Esta iniciativa da Agência Pública por exemplo quer colocar nas mãos dos leitores quais estórias serão escritas/investigadas. O objetivo é dar liberdade editorial ao jornalista através do financiamento pelos leitores.

Unlimited Vacation Days: Treat Employees Like Adults

Para ler em português, clique no canto superior direito em ‘Português’ abaixo de ‘Translate’.

Holly Harris/Getty

Holly Harris/Getty

Here at US this is one of the new trends reaching the start-up environment.
At the first sight, seems to flexible. But, after talking to entrepreneurs and going deeper than the hypeness of it, it opens a serious discussion that is taking place in a range of universities and companies: How we treat employees like adults?

Sounds silly to read this. And yes, it is. But the truth is that we still have this node to solve. I still remember the first time Zappos implemented the hiring process in which the new employee, after 1 month, can take U$ 2.000 and leave (no heart feellings).
They discover it’s a cheaper, less stressful and honest way to deal with the fit between the parts.
After the buzz around it, they prove that a series of initiatives like that (and others much more unexpected) consolidated a unique organizational culture, and this model was copied by a lot of start-ups.

So how about unlimited vacation days? Let’s pretend that we don’t have legal issues to deal with (in Brazil for instance, with the force of the unions and their old mentality is going to be a hard/long discussion), what are the mains challenges or premisses for this to work?

If you take a look around the web, you will find discussions about it with good inputs. One of my favorites is the one bellow, and some more are at the related articles after this post.
But if we go deep, what entrepreneurs that tried and succeed or failed says comes to two things:

1) You need real managers. This approach requires relationships built on trust, on a day-by-day basis, where leaders and teams undertake a common vision and understand that they move forward as one. This way you develop people commitment to a interdependent bond.

2) Keep only the people that fits. When you evolute for an ‘adult approach’ you can’t maintain the ‘old parents style’ in parallel. Entrepreneurs and companies that are having success are unanimous on the belief that one person or one team can put the whole system in jeopardy (and this includes VPs!).

It’s just the beginning of a work-model revolution. By now it’s starting slowly, but for the watchful eyes is clearly to see that much will change in the next 5 years.
For sure here at US is much more clear than in Brazil or Costa Rica and this discussion has already evolute for experiments.

I believe that people’s voice will speak louder than the current companies stablished cultures.

If you are interested on a great analysis by one of this entrepreneurs that are learn-by-doing it, read this article below by Ilya Pozin.

Unlimited Vacation Days: Treat Employees Like Adults

If you’re looking to improve your company culture and impact employee retention, it’s time to consider dropping your standard vacation day policy and taking a more flexible route. The unlimited vacation day honor system is sparking a wave of positive interest across companies and industries.

Many companies like Best Buy, Netflix, Evernote, Zynga, Red Front Events, and even my Web marketing agency Ciplex have all made the transition to unlimited vacation days–and it’s time for you to do the same. In fact, the average American employee leaves two unused paid vacation days every year.

Still on the fence? Take a look at some of the benefits of offering unlimited vacation time:

1. Establishes employee responsibility. Break away from the fear of being faced with an empty office, mountains of work, and unhappy customers–your staff may surprise you with their use of their new freedom. Offering unlimited vacation days is one way to show your employees you trust and respect them.

2. Acts as a recruiting perk. Are you looking to expand? One of the best ways to gain the interest of potential job candidates is to tout your perks. In fact, nearly half of working adultsreported they would be willing to give up some percentage of their salary for more flexibility at work.

3. Keep employees engaged and productive. Allowing your employees to take time off when they need it most encourages a more productive work environment. Instead of working when their minds are elsewhere, they’ll be able to give you their full attention.

4. Eliminates a sense of hierarchy. Does upper-level management have more flexibility with their PTO? Stop hierarchy in its tracks by giving your entire staff a fair shot at a flexible schedule.

Transitioning may still seem impossible, but I can assure you it’s not. Drop your fear of change and stop making your employees keep tabs in order to travel or fulfill personal commitments. Use the following steps to help you transition:

Step 1: Survey Your Employees

Get a feel for what your employees really want before you make the transition to unlimited vacation days. Start by educating them on what exactly unlimited vacation days are: a highly-flexible paid-time-off policy, not a free-for-all. Give your employees the necessary information to get them onboard and then send out a brief survey to get a feel for their interest.

Step 2: Craft Your Policy

At Ciplex, we offer unlimited PTO, not just vacation days. It’s up to you to create a policy most suited to your company’s needs–create a standalone vacation policy or add it onto the current PTO policy that includes both sick days and flextime.

Step 3: Establish Requirements

For a successful unlimited vacation day policy, you’re going to have to develop some basic rules. Start by requiring team approval — not just manager approval — for any employee interested in taking vacation days or PTO, set up a standard amount of advance notice for taking vacation days, a limited number of consecutive weeks of leave, and potentially frozen times of the year where a full staff of employees is crucial.

Step 4: Carefully Track Performance

If you’re still worried about lost productivity, keep a close eye on the performance of your employees in conjunction with your new policy for unlimited vacation days. At my company, I noticed a boost in productivity, engagement, and overall happiness in the workplace.

Step 5: Grow Your Policy

Good things take time. Survey your employees after a few months with the policy in place and see if they have any insight worth noting.

The benefits of unlimited vacation days are endless. Make the transition today and see how quickly your employees become more productive and engaged.

Do you provide unlimited vacation days? What prompted to you to make the switch?

About Ilya Pozin:

Ilya Pozin (Linkedin)

Ilya Pozin (Linkedin)

Founder of Ciplex. Columnist for Inc, Forbes & LinkedIn. Gadget lover, investor, mentor, husband, father, and ’30 Under 30′ entrepreneur. Follow Ilya below to stay up-to-date with his articles and updates!

Article source: Linkedin

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